Friday, 21 December 2012

5th Dimension is a Creation

The new Paradigm, the 5th Dimension is not a location. It's a Creation. And YOU are the Creator.

-Inelia Benz

Thursday, 15 November 2012

The True Hierarchy

Senses are ruled by Mind.
But Mind should be ruled by Chitta (Soul).
We have never allowed this to happen and Mind has been ruling our Chitta as well.

Krishna says Mind is material, it is "Apara Prakriti", not "Para".
Para Prakriti is superior energy while apara is not. Apara is composed of eight elements - earth, water, air, space, heat, mind, intelligence, perverted ego. Because of being the outcome of material energy of the Supreme, we have material mind.

Human beings have been unable to grasp reality on account of the material, limited intellect and limited understanding mind. Perhaps this is why humans are unable to know transcendental reality which is beyond comprehension.

YOU are not the body or Mind but they are Yours.
Let your Soul be superior to everything. Soul is subtle and beyond comprehension. Soul is YOU !

Soul > Mind > Body is the true hierarchy.


Tuesday, 13 November 2012

What's happening in 2012?

Derivative of Desire !

Desire can lead to attachment
Attachment can lead to expectations
Expectations can lead to ego
Ego can lead to anger

Anger will look up to ego
Ego will look up to expectations.
Expectations will look up to attachment
Attachment will look up to Desire.

Let me manage my desire without being a Tamasik.
And I don't have to come back here ever again !


Saturday, 10 November 2012

You are Loved - Sri Sri Ravishankar

So, the message from the Divine is that - you are so dear to the Divine. You simply have to recognize that you are so loved.
You cannot imagine how much you are loved by God. There is so much love. Just like how a mother loves her baby, irrespective of what the kid does. The kid may create a mess, but the mother doesn’t mind. She smiles, cleans up the mess and then once again continues to love the child. Similarly, you are most dear to the Divine. This is what we must keep in our minds. I am here just to tell you this, and nothing else! If you understand this, then my work is done!
Listen to these words that
the Divine is telling you,
that he or she loves you
very dearly. He will never
allow you to sink.
Have the faith that, I will
never be allowed to sink.
I may be in water up to
the nose, but not above the
‘I am so dear to the Divine’, and ‘The Divine is here, right now’, these are the two things to remember.
When the I in us dissolves and remains only as energy, that is when happiness wells up. Otherwise you think, ‘I want to get enlightened’ or ‘I want to experience this.’ And it is that I which makes you miserable.
And when doubt enters the I then that is the worst thing.
In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna says, ‘When doubt enters into the heart of an individual, he is totally lost, and he becomes miserable’.
So, make sure that you recognize that you are most dear and the most loved by the Divine. That is it. Seal it! No more doubt about that, or no more self doubt.
No questioning whether I am loved or not. You should not be questioning.
First God tells you, ‘You are very dear to me’, and then the devotee says, ‘Yes, I love you too!’
So, first listen to these words that the Divine is telling you, that he or she loves you very dearly. He will never allow you to sink – this is the first thing.
The second is the faith that, I will never be allowed to sink. I may be in water up to the nose, but not above the nose.
And third thing is that we must keep our mind happy and contented. Come what may, we have to keep a contended mind.
A discontentment or grumbling mind, even if it gets everything on this planet, still it will remain miserable.
Nothing whatsoever in the universe can ever give you contentment. You have to bring it to yourself. And when does that happen? It happens when you let go and understand.
Purity, Clarity, and Contentment, is the formula for happiness.
There is a proverb in the Bible as well that says, ‘Those who have will be given more, those who do not have, whatever little they have, will also be taken away.’
That is very true. In the mind, if there is lack of contentment and you are complaining and grumbling, then you should become aware of it and snap out of that state. You must take responsibility for that, it is very important.
Contentment and happiness! Do everything happily. Walk, talk, sit happily; even if you complain against somebody, do it happily.
I think we do that here in the ashram quite a bit! (Sri Sri laughs)
Do you know, the day before yesterday, the person in the purchase department called me in the middle of the night and said, ‘Gurudev, there are a few little things that we need to buy for tomorrow.’
I said, ‘What?’
And he said, ‘We need 3000 kilos of sugar and 2000 kilos of moong daal to make pudding.’
And I said, ‘What? (Surprised), you said you need a few little things.’
So, the purchase department rushed to the wholesale market, woke up the people from sleep in the middle of the night, and got everything delivered at 2:00am.
They had to wake up several shop owners, take them to their shops, open the godowns, and bring the items. But they were all happy.
The seller was also happy, the buyer was also happy, the cook was happy and those who ate were also happy.
Come what may, we have
to keep a contended mind.
A grumbling mind, even if
it gets everything on this
planet, still it will remain
Nothing whatsoever in the
universe can ever give you
contentment. You have to
bring it to yourself.
You know, this whole act could have become very stressful.
The person was telling me this at the last minute. Where do we go at the last minute?
There could have been a lot of grumbling and complaining, and they could have come back saying, ‘Oh no, it didn’t happen.’ But that was not the case.
See, where there is Sattva and positivity, challenges are also sweet.
That is why happiness and contentment is very important.
See, if it was a small little thing, then it is okay. You can go and open one shop. But you can’t get 3000 kilos of sugar from one shop.
So in everybody’s life, there are many such things that happen which we sometimes consider impossible. Do you know why? It is because we don’t recognize our self.
Do you know why the elephant got so scared when she came here (Yagyashala)?(Referring to Indrani (Ashram Elephant) who was brought to participate in the Chandi Homam) 
She got scared because she saw herself on the screen, and she thought there was another elephant standing. She didn’t realize that it is her own reflection. So we had to put off that screen.
At that time I thought, she has taught us a big lesson today. This is what is happening with people, they don’t recognize themselves. Everybody is only a reflection of you.
When you don’t recognize yourself, or you are so scared of looking at yourself, that is where the knowledge helps to reflect, to recognize this.
Look within yourself, what is there, what is bothering, what is pricking?
If you see that there are some negative tendencies in you, I tell you, don’t worry about them, because you cannot get rid of them. There is somebody to take care of it. This is the message!
In the Durga Saptashati ,it is said, ‘Ya Devi Sarva-bhutesu Bhranti-rupena Samsthitha Namastasyei Namastasyei Namastasyei Namo Namaha.’ 
Oh Mother, you are present in all beings as peace and as disturbance; as knowledge and as delusion. I adore and bow down to you!
So the Divine is also present as disturbances.
Look at all the beings on the planet, they are so disturbed. The elephant was disturbed for a little while.
What was that? It is the consciousness; the pure energy that is present in the form of delusion, and in the form knowledge, and in the form of ignorance.
That is why, adore everything holistically. Take them all together. Don’t try to choose or separate, take them all completely and then you will be at peace; absolute peace.
This is the whole essence. Then freedom from misery, attainment of peace, exuberating love and joy, devotion and freedom in the mind - these are the things that are brought up.
Contentment and happiness!
Do everything happily. Walk,
talk, sit happily; even if you
complain against somebody,
do it happily.
The whole universe is just one consciousness. Didn’t you all feel today? It is like there are so many bodies, but just one mind.
One body in spite of so many bodies, one being in the entire field.
We are all part of that One - this understanding comes up as a deep experience.
Now don’t ask, ‘When will that come to me Guruji? I want it now.’ Just relax! Do nothing!
Just know that you are dear to the Divine and the Divine is here, right now, in you.
And that is it for today.

-Sri Sri Ravishankar

The Fire Inside - Sri Sri Ravishankar

You don't have to be afraid of God because it is like the mother who cares for you, loves you, adores you and uplifts you. All the motherly qualities are present in God.
Usually we say, ‘Be God fearing; God is there to punish you’, no! This is a wrong idea. God will never punish you, but only educate and uplift you.
We must celebrate life.
We just heard the song, ‘La-Ilaha-Illallah’ – There is only one Divinity, and that Divinity is not somewhere up in the heaven, it is in the five elements, i.e., Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether.
So, honor the Earth, honor water, and make good use of Fire. Not just the external fire, but the fire inside you as well.
There is a fire inside everybody, a passion, keep that in the right direction. You know, fire can destroy, and fire can create as well, so allow the fire to do something creative. Give a direction to that fire (passion) inside of you.
Water can quench thirst and it can drown you as well.
Remember the Divine Mother; the Divinity is in the five elements, and in the Self. And real celebration is getting back to the Self with peace and ease.
So we must have this confidence – God loves me dearly. No more questions and no more doubt!
Also, don't compare yourself with anybody, this is also important.
‘Oh, that person can sing but I cannot sing’; ‘That person is intelligent but I am not’, no! You have everything inside you. At different times different things will come out, just have patience.
Another thing is that we say that we want blessings and we want Grace, isn’t it?!
Blessings are available in plenty, but if your vessel is small, then what to do?
If you bring this cup (Sri Sri picks up a small cup), and say, ‘Give me two liters of milk in this’, how can two liters of milk fit in this little cup? The cup is small and you are asking for too much.
You need to bring a cup with a capacity of three liters and then I can give you two liter or three liter, whatever you want.
So, you must remember that whatever you get is your capacity, and if you want to get more then wait; expand your capacity.
When our capacity increases more will definitely come to us.
This is the reason why people are unhappy. They take a little cup and say, ‘Give me one liter of milk in this.’
The cup is then overflowing.
So this is what we need to know.
See, in life, irritations do come to you. ‘Oh, that person is no good’; ‘I cannot be with these people, they insult me’, these sort of the little things come in the mind, and then when you sit for meditation, all these things come and bother you. Isn't it?
Raise your hands and tell me honestly, when you sit for meditation, don't you think about these things – ‘Oh, it is better if my husband does this’; ‘Oh my child doesn’t listen’.
Things about the neighbors, friends, known people and unknown people, all these little irritations come and bring anger, frustration and irritation inside of you.
So, how do you handle this irritation?
Suppose you are doing some important work and a fly comes and sits on you, would you be bothered too much about the fly? No, you wouldn’t get bothered about a housefly, you would just shoo it away lightly.
Know that is what all these things are.
You must remember that
whatever you get is your 
capacity, and if you want to 
get more then wait; expand 
your capacity. When our
capacity increases more will
definitely come to us.
This is the reason why people
are unhappy. They take a
little cup and say, ‘Give me
one liter of milk in this.’
These little irritations help to bring the acceptance inside you. Irritation means non-acceptance. Non-acceptance means holding your fist closed tight. Acceptance is like opening your fist.
Irritation is stiffness. Don't you feel stiffness when you get irritated?
Acceptance is openness, and when your hand is open, the sky is the limit; everything is inside you (referring to his open hand). But when you are closed (referring to his closed hand) then there is nothing inside.
So, letting go is important.
Now the question comes, ‘If I let go then how will I take action?’
Somebody is doing injustice and you think, ‘Oh, Gurudev talks on acceptance, and so I will accept it.’ No!
See, the fire is there, you have to give it the right direction.
Being irritated and doing an action is not going to help. First accept and then take the right action.
This needs a lot of courage and patience.
Another concern is being humiliated.
I tell you humiliation is very good. It is humiliation which expands your capacity; it makes your vessel bigger. It is humiliation that makes the I dissolve, makes the ego go away, and you become simply like a child.
Do you know, you can never humiliate a child because it is hollow and empty!
But when we become somebody, when we hold on to some idea about ourselves then we feel that, ‘Oh it is a humiliation.’
Somebody said, ‘Don’t come’, or, ‘Don't do this’, and all these little things bother you. That is why this is called Maya, because those things which are not worthy of paying attention to, the mind is dragged into that.
And when you say, ‘Even this is not mine’, then that is Mahamaya; it is a Divine play. Because then you start fighting with it, and fighting with it makes it even more. It becomes a catch 22 situation. You get stuck in the rut.
So, don’t shy away from humiliation. If humiliation happens take it as Tapas (means Heat. In Hinduism, it is used figuratively, denoting spiritual suffering, mortification or austerity).
‘Okay, this is Tapas. I will bear this. I take it.’
Tapas makes you stronger and more beautiful.
So, it is said, ‘Gyaninampee Chetansi Devi Bhagwati Hi Saa, Baladakrishya Mohay Mahamaya Prayachhati.’
This is what is written in the Durga Saptshati which we sang yesterday.
The power of Maya, the power of ignorance is so strong that even the most wise people and great intellectuals are just taken into her sway.
She can sway everybody, and so it is said, ‘Oh my dear Mother Goddess, you have swayed us into this play of illusions of the mind.’
We give importance to things which are not worthy of importance. We give too much importance to things which are temporary and fleeting which are not going to stay. They all come and they go. That is why it is called Mahamaya.
You know yesterday I said, ‘Ya Devi Sarva-bhutesu Bhranti-rupena Samsthitha Namastasyei Namastasyei Namastasyei Namo Namaha.’
The consciousness is also present as delusion, not only as Shanti (Peace) or Shakti (Strength) . It is also present as hunger, as confusion, as delusion, and all these manifestations.
When you notice this then you smile at the play of the mind.
Then when the little mind plays around, you don't identify with it; you go beyond and that is where you get that permanent peace – Chira Shanti. The mind is absolutely at peace; unshakable.
This is worth having in life, and for that only, all these blessings are needed.
Today we did the Rishi Homa. From ages, many saints in the past have preserved this knowledge.
In the tradition, it is Parashara (a Rigvedic Maharishi and author of many ancient Indian texts) whose specialty was Poojas.
In Guru Pooja we sing, Narayanam Padma Bhavam Vashishtham Shaktim cha tat putra Parasharam Cha.
The fifth saint in the tradition is Parashara. He emphasized on expression of love and devotion through Poojas –Poojadishu Anuraga iti Parasharyah.
Another concern is being
humiliated. I tell you
humiliation is very good.
It is humiliation which
expands your capacity; it
makes your vessel bigger.
It is humiliation that makes
the I dissolve, makes the ego
go away, and you become
simply like a child.
Today also, Ayudha Pooja is done. This is done to honor all the instruments that we use.
When you go to the city tomorrow, you will find all the buses will have sandal-paste,Kumkum and flowers on them.
People will decorate their vehicles.
It means that, from a needle or a pin to a pillar; everything is permeated by the Divine, so honoring all the instruments.
Even small things like pins, knives, scissors, screwdrivers, spanners, all these things are honored, and it is said that Divine mother is present in all the instruments, and so we honor them.
You will see that once a year, in factories they clean all the instruments.
Today the people will honor and show gratitude to instruments, vehicles, buses, cars, everything, because the Divinity is present everywhere.
Ayudha Pooja is done on the ninth day of Navratri. Tomorrow is Vijaya Dasami, the day of victory.
So when Maya takes over the mind just become aware that it is the Maya of the mind.
It is the mind which is going around and doing all these things. Just let go of that.
That is the main message for the Navratri.

- Sri Sri Ravishankar

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Where is Life Going ? - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

You know, to discuss something which is very dear to our hearts, we need to be in an informal atmosphere. A formal atmosphere is not congenial for wisdom; for authenticity. I have a habit of doing everything in an informal way. So let us begin by turning around and greeting the person in-front of you, next to you and behind you. Become familiar with everyone around you.
I want to ask you a question. Did you really greet the person or did you do it as a formality?
You don't have to tell that to the person next to you. You don't have to tell them, 'Hey, I just greeted you as a formality.'

I want you to ask yourself, did you really greet the person? You know when you get off the plane, the air hostesses greet you saying, 'Have a nice day', but they don't mean it. It is just coming from the lips. But if the same words comes to you from your mother, or sister, or a close friend, it carries some vibration with it. So we convey more through our vibrations. Someone can stand and give you a talk about love for two hours, but that does not convey what a baby or dog conveys to you through vibrations.You go into a place where people are depressed, you will see that for no reason you are also depressed. Similarly, you go to a place where people are happy and you feel the joy coming up within you.

The whole world is just vibrations; waves and waves. Our mind is vibrations, our body is all vibrations, thoughts are vibrations and our emotions are all vibrations. But we don't do anything to improve the vibrations, the positivity in us, isn't it?!

That something, doing which, your vibrations become very joyful, positive and peaceful, is Meditation.

This happens very fast through the breathing techniques and meditation. Usually when one says Meditation, you think, one has to leave everything and go to Machu Picchu, or somewhere in the Himalayas; no, it is not like that. You can experience it in your own home.

And what are the benefits of meditation? Why should we do it? As I said, our vibrations become positive. Sometimes, when you meet someone, you feel some repulsion and you don't want to talk to that person. Have you experience this? And then, there are some people that you meet, and you feel like talking to them and engaging with them. Again, this is vibrations.
Similarly, you get some thoughts, and they are absolutely right. And at other times, you get thoughts that are completely wrong. Isn't that so? So, we are like walking in the darkness without understanding our own consciousness. If you understand consciousness, a lot of things happen and your life becomes much happier. Our health becomes better, our relationships with people improves.
You must have heard from people, how the violent tendencies in life go down. And most important, our desires get fulfilled.

There are four kinds of people.

Some people have desires, and they desire and desire but nothing gets manifested. There are others who desire and work so hard for it, and then after a long time, it gets manifested. And the third one are those who desire, and immediately it gets done, without much hard work. And the fourth one are those who don't even have to desire, even before the desire arises, things are already there. So which category do you want to be in? Fourth one? Yes, that is the luckiest. It is just like, you have not even felt thirst and already there is water. There is a proverb in India which says, 'When you had teeth, you didn't get peanuts, and when you got peanuts, you didn't have teeth.' Many people are in this situation. They work so hard all their life, make all the money, put it all in the bank and they die. And then the children fight over the money of the parents. In the world, about 70% of the court cases are about inheritance. Now, see nobody fights over the money they have earned. So what you have done is, you have made money, put it in the bank and then made your children fight with each other for the money. Is this an intelligent thing to do? We spend half of our health in earning money, and then we spend half of our wealth to get the health back. Not so smart! Not so economical.

We need to find where life is going?

There is a story of a wise fool!

A wise fool was sitting on a donkey, and the donkey was running. It went round and round the same streets many times. So someone asked this gentleman, 'I see you going up and down several times, where are you going?'
He says, 'I don't know, ask the donkey!'

Most of the time, our lives are that way. We keep working and we keep on doing things without knowing - What is the Purpose! Without even enjoying all that this nature has provided us.
See, when the mind is bitter you can't find happiness anywhere in the world. When the mind is sweet, then you find sweetness everywhere. So meditation is all about finding sweetness deep inside us. And when you find it, do you know what you want to do? You want to give it to everybody.
People ask me, 'What is your motivation? What do you get? Why are you running around to all these places around the world all the time?'

I asked them one question, 'Suppose you see a very nice movie, what do you do? Do you just sit quiet in your room? Or do you pick up the phone, call your friends and tell them, 'Oh, it is a great movie, you must go and see this movie.' Now what do you get by doing that? Do the movie producers give you some commission? Or the actors give your some money? What do you get for making all those phone calls? You do it because the nature of joy is to share.'

The nature of joy is sharing.

There are two types of joy, one is the joy of grabbing. As kids we were born with this tendency. If you leave a child here, it will go and grab this flower, grab this sheet, pull that chair, turn everything around upside down, and hold on to things. It will hold on to anything, even a knife. Without knowing it is going to hurt its hand, the child with grab a knife. But mothers are very clever, they will give the child something else to loosen the child's grip from the knife. Isn't that so?
When children catch on to something that is not good, you give them something else.
So this is one type of joy, the joy of getting, having. This is a childish joy; childish happiness. There is another type of happiness, joy, that comes from giving. Many ladies here, when guests are coming home, or children are coming home, what do you do? You make many different types of food and decorate it and put it on the table. Your joy as a mother is in giving, isn't it!
Look at grandparents, they love to give gifts to the children, isn't it?! There is a joy in giving, and this is a mature joy. We cannot live life by just having the joy of getting without understanding the joy in giving. Once you have a little taste of the joy that comes from giving, you will find that life is worth living, life is fulfilling.

So, smile more!

You know a baby smiles 400 times a day, a adolescent smiles only 17 times and an adult rarely smiles. And if you become an officer or a politician, then forget about it. Your smile disappears, flies away.

A smile is not something artificial, it should come from within. That can only happen when the stress is gone, when we go deep in meditation. If someone says, 'I am meditating', that means that they smile more; there is serenity, sensitivity and sensibility, and this is spirituality.

Spirituality means sensibility, sensitivity, sweetness, smile; all these put together.

- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Thursday, 1 November 2012

The Pass !

It was a nice sunny Sunday afternoon. Indira Aunty, Amma-ma and I were taking a walk along the streets of an unknown place.Walking down the streets towards south, we noticed that there were lots of tress on either side of the road and at a distance of around hundred meters from us, stood a Castle. The castle seemed very old with high raised walls surrounding it from all sides. From far we could figure out the top structure, however, as we approached it, only the high compound walls were visible to us.

I stepped ahead a little to find out if there was any door in between the walls to enter into the compound. As I walked along the walls, I saw a small iron gate allowing the entry inside the compound. I was quite excited to find the entrance and called up Indira Aunty and Amma-ma showing them the entrance. I could see a lot of excitement on Auntie's face. She seemed really interested and curious to see the structure which from far appeared to be a castle. Amma-ma however seemed very tired, she sat outside the compound under a tree. So Aunty and I decided to get inside the compound to see the castle.

It was a small iron gate so I let aunty enter first. As I followed her I noticed a beautiful piece of wooden snake lying on the ground. I picked it up. It was niche in itself, a Cobra beautifully carved out on a wooden piece. I kept it in my pocket.

As we entered the compound we saw a huge Castle standing in the midst of pruned field. It was an art in itself. The Castle stood at around 50 meters from the entrance. We decided to walk towards it to take a closer look.We noticed that there was a small water stream flowing across the field and a small bridge was constructed for the visitors to cross over to reach the castle. I looked at Aunt and with a shake of head we decided to cross the bridge. This time it was me who stepped on the bridge first. Aunty followed me.

We had no idea about the surprise waiting in store for us.

It was hardly 2 steps that I walked onto the bridge when suddenly I heard a strong and loud hiss. Before I could understand anything, Aunty yelled, "Kunaaaaaaaaaaaal, there is a Naag there!". And I saw a huge Snake, shiny black in color, perhaps a Cobra, standing on the other side of the bridge with it's fang, fully spread and was as tall as me. Both of us were shell shocked and didn't know what to do. The Cobra stood right up as if trying to check for our purpose of being there. Both of us looked at it. It stared back and shook it's hood.

We were in a dilemma, whether to move or not. Surprisingly, more than being scared, both of us seemed to be mesmerized with such a divine avatar of the Cobra. "Let's wait for some time to see if it moves into the bushes or not", aunt said.
So we decided to wait there on the bridge without moving an extra inch forward. Cobra stood in it's position unmoved looking at us continuously.

As I looked at the Cobra, I realized that it looked exactly like the wooden carved snake that I had found at the entrance of the compound. I took it out from the pocked and said, "aunty, look, doesn't it look exactly like our Cobra?". Aunty was quite surprised and said, "oh, yes, they look the same, where did you get it?" "At the gate", I said.

"This is the Pass", aunty said. "What Pass?", I inquired.
"Looks like we have got the pass to cross the bridge and are allowed to see the castle, the Cobra if sees the wooden one in your hand might allow us to cross the bridge", aunty said with a confident smile at her face.

As we were discussing, I flashed the wooden carved snake towards the Cobra. And surprisingly, our bigger Cobra shook his fang once again, lowered down, slipped into one of the bushes and finally disappeared from our vision.


Friday, 21 September 2012

Pain vs Suffering

Pain may be unavoidable,

But Suffering is Optional !

The Gross Existence !

The day one starts realizing, experiencing and acknowledging the existence which is beyond this gross body and beyond our perception, one attains the awareness which leads to knowledge. This gross existence is just an illusion and most of the time we end up believing that we are this gross body and anything that we don't understand or is beyond our senses to understand, we uprightly reject it. This is as simple as saying that if a child didn't understand an arithmetic calculation, that calculation is wrong or doesn't exist. It is as simple as putting your hands on your eyes and then saying that there is nothing present for you to see. Grow up !

Have you ever questioned, if you are the gross body or this body is yours ? If you are the mind or if this mind is yours ? The day you ask these questions to yourself, your quest will bring you to reality. And the reality can be beyond this gross body, something which is subtle in nature. You just need to feel it and experience it. To start with, you need to experience your own self, your subtle self, your real self. The self/Atma which resides in your body which directs your mind to trigger the energy for your heart to pump blood to your body, the consciousness which provides your mind the power of response and stimulus.

The reality is that you have multiple bodies but you can see only your physical or gross body because the senses to perceive and see them are themselves gross and physical in nature. You can see beyond your senses only once you start acknowledging them. The fact is that you have a physical body, a prana body, an astral body, a conscious body and the super-conscious body. And the fact is also that the gross body is the weakest and helpless of all and what irony or unfortunate it is that the humans always consider their physical body as their real self. Grow Up !

Think about it, if you can achieve so much in your life by believing yourself to be one physical body, how much will you be able to achieve if you become aware of all other four bodies.

Happy Knowing Yourself !


Wednesday, 19 September 2012


It may take time for you to enlighten yourself but as soon as the lamp is lit, it doesn't even take a second for the darkness to disappear.


Overnight Success !

Behind every overnight success, there is a journey of numerous nights of consistent effort.


Activity, Connectivity and Creativity

If you think hard, meditate or retrospect, you would realize that life is nothing but an amalgamation of Activity, Connectivity and Creativity.

It is as simple as saying that your Life is made of what have you been doing, how much have you been connected to that activity and what have you created in the process?!

If you have been working towards gaining Knowledge or earning money and if you are deeply connected with your aspirated activity, then you will create money for yourself or you will create source of knowledge. 

In the same way, if you have been working towards knowing yourself, knowing your subtle existence, your soul and the super subtle existence, the Supreme, the Brahama, the Super-consciousness or the God, and if you are deeply connected to this quest of yours, you will know yourself, you will know the Supreme and you will gain the Knowledge/Gyana.

And once you have the Gyana, you will always be connected to your Soul and to the Supreme soul. Then you can create your own world of bliss and happiness. The happiness which is beyond the sensory pleasure, a feeling which is more ecstatic than any other addiction. A world of reality and not perception and a world of your own !

-KGS !

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Krishna !

Lord Krishna is mostly shown as having a dark blue and black complexion :
Black and Dark Blue colors represent absorption and accommodation of all Creation, Oneness with all Creation, Krishna therefore in Geeta says,"I am in All and All are in ME".
Lord Krishna is known as the incarnation of Vishnu, the protective Power of Preservation of all Creation.
Brahma, the Creator, is also shown as being born of Vishnu representing that Preserver is also Creator, and preserves all Creation. Preservation and Creation is Change !

Lord Krishna, one with power of Creation, Preservation and Creation is Protector of all Senses !

Krishna, controller of the senses is also known as Gopal. Go means Senses and Pal means Protector of the Senses. 5 Horses of the Chariot driven by Krishna represents 5 Senses !

Lord Krishna was known to have mastery over the flute and mesmerized all with the melody of flute.
The flute represents the head and spine with seven wisdom centers (Chakras or Churches).
Mastery over the flute refers to the mastery over the techniques of concentration on the Head and Spine, the meditation. By concentration over head and spine, one awakens the power and knowledge of the seven wisdom centers and attains the Greatest Knowledge !

Krishna, the master of Meditation mesmerized all with the melody of the Greatest Knowledge - Mahabharat
Maha - The Greatest
Bha - Knowledge
Rat - Connectected With
The Greatest Knowledge is the Knowledge of Immortality - The song of the Soul !

Lord Krishna taught the highest science of Immortality for all to realize Truth, God and I are One !

Saturday, 28 July 2012

We are One !

I honour the place in You,
In which the entire universe dwells,

I honour the place in You,
which is of Love and Truth,
of High and of Peace,

When you are in that place in you,
And I am in that place in me.



Wednesday, 27 June 2012

I Believe In !

I dont have to be Christian to believe in Jesus
I dont have to be Muslim to believe in Allah
I dont have to be Sikh to believe in Nanak
And I dont have to be Hindu to believe in Shiva

I believe in God, I may not believe in Religion !


Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Where There is Worship, There is GOD !

जहां ध्यान                

वहीँ भगवान  !


Monday, 28 May 2012

The State of Being !

If you think carefully, you would realize that the biggest reason why one is not happy today is because one wants to change the current state of being. It can be anything. The current state wherein one is not satisfied with one's position, wealth, power.e.t.c. and this is exactly the reason why one would try to bring in a change striving towards another state which one thinks is a better one. For e.g a middle class man who has wealth but wants to earn more money, an employee who wants to be promoted to a better position e.t.c. So in all these examples you would notice that one is trying to constantly change the state of one's being. Even if one reaches that aspired state, one thinks to attain another state, a state which one thinks to be a better one. The fact that one state is termed as better than the another and the fact that the human beings always consider that better state different from that of theirs, is a mere cause of dissatisfaction and unhappiness.

There is no harm in striving towards a better life but the definition of better is what one gets confused with. I have come across many people who always wanted to do something, be something or attain something, but when I speak to them I find that they were still not happy having achieved that thing and with that state of being. Most of the time they reply, "this is actually not what I wanted". Well, so the bigger question is, is it the state that you didn't want or you didn't know that this is how this state actually is?

So you see the problem is not in striving towards something, the problem is that under most of the circumstances, you didn't know if that is something you really wanted. So I say, be satisfied and happy with what you have and do full justice to everything that you have and then strive towards something that you think is a better state. But be sure what your really want.


Sunday, 27 May 2012

Atma-Sakshaatkaar !

Hey Maanav, tu maan bhi ja ab,
Hai Jeevan, teri indriyo key vash.

Par ik jeevan issey upar,
Jaha nahi Prakriti kahi par,
Hai wo basta terey bheetar.

Gar milna hai tujhko ussey.
Kar tu khud sey atma-sakshaatkaar.


Saturday, 26 May 2012

Mai Jadoogar !

Mai Jadoogar khel dikhata,
Kabhi Hasata Kabhi Rulata.

Sab jaadu key antargat, samajh na paatey jeeavan-chakra,
Asmanjas mey fasey sabhi yaha, kya Asatya hai kya hai Tathya

Par jo Gyani, jaan hi jaata, Is Jevaan ka mool tatva,
Aankhey khol, samajh mey aata, kya Maya hai kya hai Satya

Fir wo mujhsey parey nahi, param tattva mey miljata.
Is Jaadu mey fir wo aagey paatra nahi hai rahjata.

Mai Jadoogar, khel dikhata,
Pal pal ko mai suljhata !


Friday, 25 May 2012

EK Din Aaya Mere Man Mey !

Ek Din aaya mere man mey, kya hota shamshaan ghaat mey.

Nar jalta, naari hai jalti, jal jaata hai poora tan,
Irshaya jalti, kuntha jalti,
Laalach, Ghrina, Krodh hai jalti,
Na koi fir Gun rah jaatey, jal jaata hai jeevan man !

Na Gareeb, Na ameer, Na dabang, kamzor,
Sab jaltey hai ek samaan, jeevan ki maya sey door.
Jaati rahit, adhikaar rahit, aur na aarakshan ka zor !
Sabki chita ka ek uddeshya, shanti moksha ki oar !

Ye Jeevan hai ik vardaan, tujhko bhent anmol,
Fir kyu swartha, kyu hai ghrina, kyu laalach ghanghor,
Jeevan Kaal ka ant padao, jab hai samshaan  ki oar.

Ek Din aaya mere man mey, kya hota shamshaan ghaat mey.



Wednesday, 23 May 2012

The Karma Factor !

There is hardly any state wherein you are not performing any activity. Even when you are sleeping, your body goes through a cycle of rejuvenation and you find yourself energetic. Hence, even while sleeping your mind and body is performing an act or an activity. When you think that you are in a state of inactivity, you are actually not. The fact that you are thinking of that state itself is an act. Hence most of the time, one state of activity is merely replaced with that of another.

Honestly, my understanding tells me that to attain a state of inactivity is not a default nature of anyone born on this earth. Hence what we feel is inactivity is actually a sort of activity and all of them are covered under the bigger concept of KARMA. Even when one renounces everything, one tries to detach oneself from the materialistic world in the search of SELF (Atman) and Super Consciousness (Parmatma or GOD). So this state itself is a state of an active search.
The State of Nothing or nothingness, Null or inactivity is nearly impossible to attain. This is the highest state of being which can be attained only through the highest form of meditation. In this state one doesn't identify oneself with the body and mind and rises beyond the cycle of Prakriti (Nature) thereby untouched by Karma. In this state one identifies oneself with ATMAN which is one's real identity. This is the state beyond the cycle of Cause and Effect.

A lazy person can never say that he is untouched by the cycle of cause of effect and thereby beyond the influence of Karma because he doesn't perform any act or activity. Actually he is merely not performing only a defined activity. And if the defined activity is one of his duties, let's say he is a student, he would ultimately realize the result of not studying in the form of failed mark sheet or report card. Being lazy itself is an act and is very much a Karmic activity.

I strongly believe that we are all born on this earth for some reason and cause. Human Beings are closest to understanding this because of amazingly structured and blessed mind. Mind is what takes you closer to your consciousness (Atman) and then to the Super Consciousness (or GOD) or away from it. So make your mind your best friend and it will help you understand the Karma Factor.



ज़िन्दगी कि कश्ति में, 
हम चलते जारहे !

जब आयेगा तूफां,
देखा जायेगा !


Sunday, 20 May 2012

Kya khoya hai kya hai paya !

क्या खोया है, क्या है पाया,

हर लम्हा, हर छन ये सोचा,
सोच सोच के मै  बढ़ आया !

लरता रहा हर पल मैं खुद से, खुद की ईच्छा खुद की आशा
क्या था लाया जो मै खोया, यहीं पे पाया, यहीं गवाया !

इस जीवन का खेल चक्र ये, तब मैं बिलकुल समझ ना पाया,
क्या खोया है, क्या है पाया !


Saturday, 19 May 2012

Satya !

Maya key ye teen Tattva - Tamas, Rajas aur Sattva.

Rama naam hi Param Tattva, sabsey bada ye Satya !


Khoj !

BRAHMHA ki khoj mey mai chala, mila mujhey sirf BHRAMA
Thak Haar key baith gaya, karkey khoj sampanna.
Fir mai poocha aap sey, kaha miley ye BRAHMA ?

Tab rey manwa jaag utha aur kahey hardam,
Tu hi Satya, tu hi Shiva, tu hi hai Sundaram,
Gyan Ki Chakshu kholdey, tu hi Brahma Sampanna !


Friday, 18 May 2012

Vachan !

Jeevan ko ye mool vachan dey !

MARA sey tum ab RAAMA bano rey !
SHAVA sey tum ab SHIVA bano rey !
Nar sey tum NARAYAN bano rey !

Jeevan ko ye mool vachan dey !


Sunday, 6 May 2012

Smiling Shiva !

Around five years ago, my first job brought me to Bangalore from Delhi. I was very excited with my first career opportunity and was doing fairly well. I didnt know many people then in Bangalore but had a very dear friend in Goa. So whenever I got time, I used to travel to meet him.

This was the first time when I was travelling to Goa from Bangalore. I did a little research and as a result bought a bus ticket from a very famous transport ageny "Paulo Travels". If you are from Bangalore you would know this travel agency very well. They operate between, Karnataka, Kerela, Goa and Hyderabad. My ticket was from Bangalore to Panjim and I was all ready to travel a distance of around 600 Kms. My bus was supposed to leave at 9:30 PM from Anand Rao Circle, Majestic.

I remember, it was Friday evening, though cant recall the exact date. After finishing my shift at around 8 PM, I took an auto for Anand Rao Circle, reached the stand at around 9 PM, had my dinner at a Veg Restaurant nearby and sat in the bus at 9:20 PM. It was a window seat. I think every seat in the bus was occuppied. As my watch showed me 9:30 PM, the bus started to move slowly and the lights were put off. This was truly impressive as I had not expected the bus to leave sharp at 9:30. I called up my friend and informed him that I was going to reach Panjim at right time, 10:30 AM. I hardly knew that this journey was not going to be a simple, easy and ordinary one for me ! 10:30 AM was definitely not the time when I reached Goa.

As the bus started to move, I took out my I-POD, plugged in my ears with headphones and started listening to some music. I like Mukesh, Md Rafi and Kishore Kumar's music so my I POD was filled with all songs and music from these great singers and composers of all time. Listening to songs, I dont know when I fell asleep. It was around 4 AM when the bus suddenly stopped with a loud noise and thump. Due to a sudden brake everyone in the bus got a little worried and the rest who were sleeping opened their eyes trying to understand what happened. I was seated in the bus for around 10 minutes waiting for it to start again. There was however no movement anymore. I looked outside of the window and saw a few passengers chatting with the bus driver. In the pursuit of more information, I too got down from the bus and saw smokes coming out of the engine. Manjunath, the conductor was leaning on to the engine and from within the smoke was trying his best to figure out the reason for this break down. I asked the driver, "what happened Sir?". With a confused look he said, "the bus broke down, Manjunath is trying to find out what happened?"

With a littel rude and convictionless answer, I decided to call up my friend and inform him of this breakdown. I took out my phone and tried calling him. But my phone just refused to connect to his number.

I could not understand the reason behind this another breakdown. I tried calling again and again but in vain. From time to time I would just look at my phone and wonder. Sudddenly I observed that my phone lacked connectivity as there was no signal showing up. I had a prepaid airtel connection and a very new phone at that time. Not to mention I had a very little idea about all the hidden functions in there. I did try asking some people if their phone had enough signals and they all responded positvely with a proud YES. I thought there were issues with my prepaid connection and decided not to break my head anymore.

I walked upto the driver once again and asked him, "Sir, how long would it take you to fix the bus?". He had no idea. Manjunath, though, was below the bus between tyres trying to make some obeservations. He pulled himself out and said," it isn't easy sir, there is a major issue with the engine. We have called up a mechanic from the nearest location but by the time he comes here and fixes it, it will take around 5 hours.

"What, are you serious?", I blurted out. Manjunath and the driver had no answer. I decided to take another bus moving towards Goa. Honestly, I didnt have much idea about the direction but I didnt want to waste my time doing nothing. Standing at the side of the road, I was trying to wave at almost any vehicle moving towards Goa. After about half an hour, I saw a bus coming in, it was a tourist bus. I waved at it fiercely almost standing in it's way. It had to stop. The conductor from the window peeped out and asked me "what's the issue, Sir". "Our bus broke down and I have to reach Goa", I replied. The conductor thought for a while and said, " you can come with us but we are going towards Hubli, from there you can take another bus to Panjim, it's around 180 Kms". I was very happy and said, "That's fine, so how much do I need to pay you for this seat?". He responded, "there is no seat in the bus, Sir. Every seat is occupied. There is however a big Gear box right next to the driver. If you want, you can sit there. You can pay us whatever you want". Having no option and deciding not to waste any more time, I said "alright, I will take it". And I climbed on to the bus, greeted the driver and got myself seated right next to him on the big blue Gear Box. As I sat on the box right infront of the big glass, the bus moved again and I felt as if I were the chariot of a Ratha leading a group of lost Yogis on their voyage.

After being seated for amost around 3 hrs the bus stopped, the condcutor smiled at me and asked me politely to get down. "This is Hubli Sir, you would get buses from the new bus stand which is towards north". I got down and handing him Rs 50 said, "Thank You".

As I walked towards the bus-stand, I stopped at a small shop, bought some breakfast and then moved ahead. It was a pleasant morning and I could hear Koels singing and greeting me to Hubli. For some reason, I was enjyoing it. I reached the bus stand and enquired about the buses to Panjim. The next bus to Goa was only after 4 hrs at around 2 PM. "O Shiva", I just murmured. Anyways having no other option, I decided to wait for the bus. In those 4 hours, I think I did whatever I could, had another breakfast, then had lunch and then took a small walk around the place. I took out my phone and decided to check if it was working now or not. But the fone didnt respond and looked at me as if trying to state that I was a big fool to have left the first bus. Anyways I tried calling my friend from a local booth and asked him to give me the exact address so that I could note it down. "House #24, 1st Floor, SBI Crossing, Dauna Puala", was the exact address that I wrote down. I was happy that at least I had the address now and that I now knew where to reach.

It was 5 hours and I could not locate any bus to Panjim. I enquired again and got to know that the bus would now come only at 7 PM due to some technical glitch. "Arrrgh", I couldn't believe and looked up into the sky and said "Shiva, what's happening with me today, why this now?".

"In which direction is Goa from here, sir", I asked one of the passengers wiating for the bus. "Towards west sir", he answered. Alright, so I decided to walk again. I came out of the bus stand and started walking on the highway towards west.  I thought I would take another lift. After having walked for half an hour, I decided to sit own on one of the milestones which showed "Panjim - 180 Kms".

"O God, Hey Shiva, help me", I said in my mind.

 Immediately I saw a beaming light approaching me from east. Delighted to see a vehicle, I waived up my hands towards the light. The vehicle came sraight towards me and stopped. It was a motor bike, a YAMAHA Gladiator. "What happened Sir, you need my help?". I could not believe my luck. I called for help and here I get it, I was very happy. I said, "yes, I am going towards Panjim and If you could drop me somwhere close by, that would be really helpful".

Well, before I proceed with the story, I must explain to you the appearance of the man who came out of nowhere to help me.

He was a 6 feet, well built tall guy with a very strong body structure, wore a white half sleeved Kurta and a jeans. His forehead was resplendent with vermillion ash with a clear three horizontal lines of chandan spread across the middle of his forehead. He had long hair not less than Jatas. Through his thin white Kurta, it was quite evident that he wore Rudrakhsha around his neck. As he asked me if I needed his help, I looked into his eyes and for a while was lost. I dont know why. I had never seen such powerful eyes before. I felt as if the whole Brahmand was in there. It was around 6:30 PM in the evening. I literally saw the sunset in his eyes. And he always smiled.

"Sir, you OK? Yes I am going towards Panjim and I can take you there", he answered with a smiling face. I was standing still, unable to say anything. "Sir, did you get scared of me or my look?", he asked smilingly. I suddenly got out from a confused state and said, "no, no, not scared. But you do have a very charming personality and quite a unique one in appearance too". I had seen many Sadhus with such appearance before but never so attractive and charming. I must admit, I dont have enough words to explain his outlook.

"You look like a Yogi but in Jeans and Kurta", I said smilingly. He smiled back and said "yes Sir, I am a Yogi in search of snakes". "What", I blurted out with a complete schock on my face. "Hahaha, don't get scared, I am a snake charmer Sir, I had gone to a nearby Jungle to catch Snakes for my profession. But today didnt have much of luck", he answered. "Aah okay, so I am safe", I answered cheerfully. "Yes Sir, absolutely. You are always safe in my affinity", he smiled.

Without trying to read too much between his lines, I perched on the back seat of his bike. With a whrooom, the enginee started and we were on our way to Panjim, Yipee ! For some reason I felt that the rest of my journey was going to be in total control and worryless. Travelling smoothly along the way, I almost dozed off. "Are you sleeping, Sir ? Be careful, we are almost there, one more hour to go. Hold on to my shoulders and you would never fall", he said. His confidence and powerful voice made me feel as if Shiva had sent him to help me.

I said, "I know, I cant fall if you are around". "I wont let you Sir", he laughed.
"By the way where do you have to go exactly?", he enquired while the bike was moving with a brisk pace. In my mind I said, "O Shiva, please ask him to drop me very close to my friend's house". I didnt want to roam around anymore.

"I stay very close to Dauna Paula, near SBI Crossing. If you want, I can drop you there?", he asked. God, I couldnt believe that. I was deligted and said, "yes yes, I have to reach SBI Crossing at Dauna Paula". "Dont worry Sir, even if you had to reach somehwere else, I would have taken you there". I didnt know what to say. I felt as if I was on the Bike with the GOD himslef whose face was lit with all the knowledge and that he knew everythig about me and about this world.

After about another 30 minutes we reached Panjim and then finally to Dauna Paula in another 20 minutes. He stopped the bike at SBI crossing and said, "that's it Sir, your destination". I got down and looked around the place. Since I had never come there before I didnt know which direction to walk in to find # 24, my friend's house. So I asked him where did he stay. "Sir I am a wanderer, you can find me anywhere", he answered with a similing face. "Just kidding sir, I stay very close by. By the way House #24 is down there", he said, pointing towards a three storeyed white house, hardly at a distance of 100 meters.

Wow, I never expected this, "how do you know that I have to go to House #24, I never told you the exact address?, I asked surprisingly. "You told me Sir, while we were driving",he answered. I never believed that and also didnt know what to say. I was completely bewildered.

The guy then smiled at me and said,"I hope you had a wonderful trip on my bike Sir, I have to go now". "But why", I responded immediately. I dont know why I said that. For some reason I wanted him to be always with me. I felt a Karmic connection with him. Gathering my words again, I said " I would never foget this journey and the help you rendered to me. It's difficult to find people like you". He smiled.

"You can call your friend from you cell phone, Sir, and inform him of your arrival", he said. "Sure, yes let me do that", I said.

As I pulled out my phone from the pocket, he said, " If you haven't changed your connectivity to IDEA, your Airtel Connection wont work here, Sir. Let me show how you how to do that". And he took the phone from my hand while I was wondering how he knew that I came here to meet my friend and that my phone was not working.

While he was trying to play with me phone settings, I asked him, "but how did you know that I came to meet my friend and that my phone was not working?". "I guessed it Sir", he said with a bright smile clear enough to state that he knew all about me. I didnt buy his response but was never the less, speech less. Addtionally I was completely mesmerized with his charming smile. A smile that told me that everything was in control. A smile that told me that he knew everythning about this world, about my journey and about me. As these thoughts crossed my mind, I suddenyl realized that I never asked his name. How could I do that, I thought. I wanted to save his name and mobile number, if he had any.

After making the necessary changes, with a smiling face he handed over the phone to me, sat on the bike and said, "your phone is all fine now". He started his bike and wanted to leave when I said, "hey, you didnt tell me your name, what's your Name, do you have a mobile number, how will I get in touch with you, how do I contact you if I want to talk to you?" Listening to so many questions all at once, he smiled again and said, "you can save my name and number in your mobile and whenever you want to meet me or talk to me, just call me". I looked at my mobile and asked him to tell me his number. He called out his ten digit phone number. Without paying much attention, I quickly typed his number on my phone and then asked for his name.

"SHIVA", he said and sped away in one of the streets towards Panjim. I was speechless. I always knew he was SHIVA.

Once he drove away, I tried saving the number he gave to me. And as I tried , my phone showed me the message "This number already exists with the name My Number, would you like to replace it?"

I was stunned, it was my own mobile number.


Saturday, 28 April 2012

Why We Shout In Anger

Following is something which I read somewhere and found it worth sharing :

"Why We Shout In Anger"

A Hindu saint who was visiting river Ganges to take bath found a group of family members on the banks, shouting in anger at each other. He turned to his disciples smiled 'n asked.

'Why do people in anger shout at each other?'

Disciples thought for a while, one of them said, 'Because we lose our calm, we shout.'

'But, why should you shout when the other person is just next to you? You can as well tell him what you have to say in a soft manner.' asked the saint

Disciples gave some other answers but none satisfied the other disciples.

Finally the saint explained, .

'When two people are angry at each other, their hearts distance a lot. To cover that distance they must shout to be able to hear each other. The angrier they are, the stronger they will have to shout to hear each other to cover that great distance.

What happens when two people fall in love? They don't shout at each other but talk softly, Because their hearts are very close. The distance between them is either nonexistent or very small...'

The saint continued, 'When they love each other even more, what happens? They do not speak, only whisper 'n they get even closer to each other in their love. Finally they even need not whisper, they only look at each other 'n that's all. That is how close two people are when they love each other.'

He looked at his disciples 'n said.

'So when you argue do not let your hearts get distant, Do not say words that distance each other more, Or else there will come a day when the distance is so great that you will not find the path to return.'


Nature of Attraction - Womanhood

Recently I had an argument with a colleague of mine, who made a very casual statement that women are cause of all issues for the mere fact that men are attracted towards them.  On being asked about what he thinks of his mother being a woman, he answered he respects womanhood only in the form of a mother. For a person who considers women, the cause of all issues considers motherhood as the only right hood. For him all other avatars or forms of women are cause of issues. Well, this is one of those ridiculous statements that I have heard very often. While I was pleased with the fact that he really understood motherhood, I think he had a fundamentally ridiculous understanding of womanhood.

I say, how can that be? Every woman is a mother, a child, a daughter, a sister, a wife, a girlfriend or a friend. It is the same person in all avatars. How can one nature of woman be right and the other wrong ? If you still think so, it's because of your expereince, your factors and above all your nature.

What I say, attraction towards an external matter, object or opposite sex is your nature and not the nature of the external being. It is your stored nature and not the stored nature of the matter, object or person you are attracted to. Hence if you think you want to shy away from this natural phenomenon, then work on your nature, your mind and dont blame the external being for your attraction towards it.

For always, people have been blaming others for their state and their situation. I think it's high time we should stop this and instead do a self retrospection. I would say men should work on themselves if they find wrong on being attracted to a woman or of they blame women for a hindrance in their pursuit. Vishwamitra getting attracted to Menika was not Menika's fault, rather it was Viswamitra's weakness.

Think about it, get up and rise above all the blame game. From the core of our heart, we all know that we need to work on ourselves than to blame any other factor for our situation.

A woman is all about care, patience, compassion, giving and understanding personified.

Womanhood is all about "Lovehood" and let's respect her !


The ART of Forgiving !

Why do you have to learn the art of forgiving?

Why do you have to even think that you need to forgive someone ?

The more you think of forgiving, the more you are attached to the wrongness that was done to you.

I say, forget the wrong deeds that others did to you and you will free yourself. You won't have to then even think of forgiving someone, you will just move on, fly on and fly even higher towards peace, happiness and Bliss!

I say, no one can teach you the art of forgiving, remember only the good deeds other did to you! This is the Mantra, the Knowledg and the ART !


Get Connected to HIM !

Everything that strenghtens you with utter peace and purity is GOD !

Anything which weakens you can never be GOD ! It is YOU who weakens YOU, it's your Mind that incites such fear in you.

Get rid of it !

GOD is always there to help you, strengthen you. God is in you, within You.

Connect to HIM, connect to yourself and you will realize the pure bliss and energy ! Everything else is all MAYA !


Wednesday, 25 April 2012


Try to hear the voice beyond your senses,

The voice of utter peace and serenity,

The voice which is onmipresent,

The voice within you,

The voice of ONKAAR,

The voice of AAMEEN,

The voice of AMEN.

That's the voice of AUM and that's Supreme !


Tuesday, 24 April 2012

The Ultimate Truth


BRAHMA (The Supreme) is the ultimate Truth, everything else is Bhrama (Illusion).

You know the difference, you know it all, you have the GYAN !


The Last Gift

Sitting in the dark room of my hostel I was trying to recollect the golden memories of my life, the time I had spent at  home with my family, my mother and most important with my “Amma”. I was in love with her; she was my mother, my father, my teacher and above all my friend. If you can bring the world together it would form my “Amma”

Before I go ahead with the story let me first explain to you little bit more about her. She was 60 years old, head covered with white hair, hardly any teeth in mouth but an innocent smile. I had met her in my school when I was hardly seven years old. She was a maid there and used to clean the classrooms. She must be 47 then and used to watch us play in the ground. Once it so happened that she was having her lunch and I suddenly went to her and asked if she could share her Tiffin with me. I was bored of the usual “roti” and “bhujya” which my mother had given me for lunch so I thought of exchanging it with that of hers. Amma looked into her small bowl and said, “Beta how will you eat this, this is not good for you, I only have “sattu” and onions in my bowl.

“Never mind Amma”, I said “you eat my lunch and I will eat yours”

And so, it all started this way. We used to exchange our Tiffin regularly. Amma made sure that she brought good food for me. She had only one son and after he got a job in the city and got married, he never came to see her. She used to bring a piece of “gur” every day for me. And sometimes she used to buy me ice – cream during the lunch time.

Once I fell ill at home and could not go to school for quite a few days. Amma was very upset and came to see me. She brought a piece of “gur” and a one rupee coin to buy me ice-cream. Since I was ill I could neither eat “gur” nor could she buy me Ice-cream but my mother accepted them as gifts for me. After that I never spent a day away from her. She used to visit me everyday till I recovered.

I finished my school and then got through the JNU entrance. I was very happy as I was excited to join the University for my Higher Studies. I went straight to Amma and gave her the news of my selection in JNU. She was very happy first but when she heard that I will leave the town and stay in the hostel, she became very sad.

“Who will take care of you there, how will you manage your studies if I am not around, she said. I knew she was sad because I would go away from her.

“I will keep coming Amma, to meet you and my family”, I said.

Amma didn’t say anything and went home. I was almost ready and had to catch the train to Delhi. My father and my mother came to see me off. As I was at the station waiting for the train to arrive, I saw Amma. She came running and had a small “potli” in her hand. Handing that over to me she said, ‘beta I have kept some ‘gur’ and honey for you in this “potli”. Don’t forget to have “Roti” with ‘Gur’ and one tea spoon of Honey once you finish your meal everyday.”  Tears strolled down my cheeks and I promised that I will come twice a year to meet them. After that I used to travel frequently to meet my parents and specially my Amma.

I was in my 6th Semester and had to really work hard to be among the top rankers in my class. I had not gone home for almost a year. Though I used to talk to my parents, I never got a chance to speak to my Amma. Once I called up my mother and asked about her. My mother informed me that she was not well and wanted to meet me. I then told my mother to inform her that I would be traveling right after my exams to meet her.

I was studying quietly in my room when I heard a knock at my door. It was eight o’clock in the evening. I opened the door and was shocked to see my Amma standing with a potli in her hand.

Amma, you here, but how did you manage to come so far all the way from town to meet me? I asked.

“I came by the morning train beta, I was not well and thought of meeting you before I die, you never know when my life would come to an end”, she said.

“But how did you get my room number and who helped you to catch the train, my mother never told me that you are coming,” I asked surprisingly.

Amma didn’t reply anything. She gave me the potli and said, “I have brought something for you, I had saved it just for you”. As I touched Amma’s hand to take the potli I was shocked. Amma had high fever and her body was burning like fire. I was very nervous. “What happened Amma, aren’t you well”, I asked.

“I just want to take some rest, have been very tired as I traveled the whole day in Train”, she said.
Don’t worry Amma you sleep on this bed here and I will get you some food from the cafeteria, I made Amma lie on the bed and was about to go to Cafeteria to get some food for her when I met one of the hostel staffs who informed me that my Mother would call me in 5 minutes at the reception. I went straight to the reception and was waiting for the phone call. My mother called me up.

“Amma is no more, she died today in the morning, she wanted to meet you and kept on calling your name till her last breath”, said my mother.

I was stunned and could feel an utter silence in my mind.

I rushed into my room and as I reached there I couldn’t believe my eyes. There was utter silence. The “potli” was lying on my bed but Amma was not there. I slowly opened it. There was a piece of “gur” and a one rupee coin.