Friday, 21 September 2012

Pain vs Suffering

Pain may be unavoidable,

But Suffering is Optional !

The Gross Existence !

The day one starts realizing, experiencing and acknowledging the existence which is beyond this gross body and beyond our perception, one attains the awareness which leads to knowledge. This gross existence is just an illusion and most of the time we end up believing that we are this gross body and anything that we don't understand or is beyond our senses to understand, we uprightly reject it. This is as simple as saying that if a child didn't understand an arithmetic calculation, that calculation is wrong or doesn't exist. It is as simple as putting your hands on your eyes and then saying that there is nothing present for you to see. Grow up !

Have you ever questioned, if you are the gross body or this body is yours ? If you are the mind or if this mind is yours ? The day you ask these questions to yourself, your quest will bring you to reality. And the reality can be beyond this gross body, something which is subtle in nature. You just need to feel it and experience it. To start with, you need to experience your own self, your subtle self, your real self. The self/Atma which resides in your body which directs your mind to trigger the energy for your heart to pump blood to your body, the consciousness which provides your mind the power of response and stimulus.

The reality is that you have multiple bodies but you can see only your physical or gross body because the senses to perceive and see them are themselves gross and physical in nature. You can see beyond your senses only once you start acknowledging them. The fact is that you have a physical body, a prana body, an astral body, a conscious body and the super-conscious body. And the fact is also that the gross body is the weakest and helpless of all and what irony or unfortunate it is that the humans always consider their physical body as their real self. Grow Up !

Think about it, if you can achieve so much in your life by believing yourself to be one physical body, how much will you be able to achieve if you become aware of all other four bodies.

Happy Knowing Yourself !


Wednesday, 19 September 2012


It may take time for you to enlighten yourself but as soon as the lamp is lit, it doesn't even take a second for the darkness to disappear.


Overnight Success !

Behind every overnight success, there is a journey of numerous nights of consistent effort.


Activity, Connectivity and Creativity

If you think hard, meditate or retrospect, you would realize that life is nothing but an amalgamation of Activity, Connectivity and Creativity.

It is as simple as saying that your Life is made of what have you been doing, how much have you been connected to that activity and what have you created in the process?!

If you have been working towards gaining Knowledge or earning money and if you are deeply connected with your aspirated activity, then you will create money for yourself or you will create source of knowledge. 

In the same way, if you have been working towards knowing yourself, knowing your subtle existence, your soul and the super subtle existence, the Supreme, the Brahama, the Super-consciousness or the God, and if you are deeply connected to this quest of yours, you will know yourself, you will know the Supreme and you will gain the Knowledge/Gyana.

And once you have the Gyana, you will always be connected to your Soul and to the Supreme soul. Then you can create your own world of bliss and happiness. The happiness which is beyond the sensory pleasure, a feeling which is more ecstatic than any other addiction. A world of reality and not perception and a world of your own !

-KGS !

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Krishna !

Lord Krishna is mostly shown as having a dark blue and black complexion :
Black and Dark Blue colors represent absorption and accommodation of all Creation, Oneness with all Creation, Krishna therefore in Geeta says,"I am in All and All are in ME".
Lord Krishna is known as the incarnation of Vishnu, the protective Power of Preservation of all Creation.
Brahma, the Creator, is also shown as being born of Vishnu representing that Preserver is also Creator, and preserves all Creation. Preservation and Creation is Change !

Lord Krishna, one with power of Creation, Preservation and Creation is Protector of all Senses !

Krishna, controller of the senses is also known as Gopal. Go means Senses and Pal means Protector of the Senses. 5 Horses of the Chariot driven by Krishna represents 5 Senses !

Lord Krishna was known to have mastery over the flute and mesmerized all with the melody of flute.
The flute represents the head and spine with seven wisdom centers (Chakras or Churches).
Mastery over the flute refers to the mastery over the techniques of concentration on the Head and Spine, the meditation. By concentration over head and spine, one awakens the power and knowledge of the seven wisdom centers and attains the Greatest Knowledge !

Krishna, the master of Meditation mesmerized all with the melody of the Greatest Knowledge - Mahabharat
Maha - The Greatest
Bha - Knowledge
Rat - Connectected With
The Greatest Knowledge is the Knowledge of Immortality - The song of the Soul !

Lord Krishna taught the highest science of Immortality for all to realize Truth, God and I are One !